
This time we will introduce Malaysian brand products and equipment, namely Khind, a Malaysian brand that is very famous in home appliances such as ovens, vacuum cleaners, cookers, insert killers, water fryers, standing fans, multi-cookers and others.
We are proud to be Malaysians and proud to use Malaysian branded products. Let’s trace the history and background of companies and figures who have persevered in developing the famous Khind brand in Malaysia and neighboring countries.
History And Background Of Khind
History began in 1961 when the founder, Mr. Cheng King Fa who opened an electrical equipment repair shop in Sekinchan Selangor. Small-scale businesses in Sekinchan make it easy for locals to send their damaged electrical appliances. Sekinchan residents do not have to bring their electrical appliances to the city due to the long travel distance and need a car or public transport to get to the city.
The excellent service, high skill and humble nature that Mr. Cheng King Fa has in himself to customers has greatly rewarded his business. His business grew rapidly. From a small electrical appliance repair shop has become big.
Eventually Mr. Cheng King Fa along with his work team established Kee Hin Industries. Thanks to his experience and the team’s dedication has paved the way to create Khind Holdings Berhad.
Did you know?
Malaysia Digit Info: Did you know, Khind is the largest manufacturing plant in Sekinchan Selangor Darul Ehsan?
Other Business
Apart from being a pioneer in Malaysia in electrical appliances and home electronics, Khind also runs an industrial energy solution business through its subsidiaries located in Hong Kong, Singapore and the Middle East.
Did you know?
Malaysia Digit Info: Did you know, Khind Group is a world -class multinational electrical and electronic equipment company and has distributed their products to over 58 countries and is listed on the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (KLSE)?
Other Popular Brands
Apart from the Khind brand, to continue to dominate locally produced electrical and electrical products, Khind Holding Berhad also markets other brands such as Mistral, Relite, Swisher, Mainline, Ariston and Honeywell. These brands are available in supermarkets and hypermarkets across the country and other countries.
Local brands are also on par with international brands in terms of quality and durability. As we recall, the Mistral brand square box fan purchased at Jaya Jusco (now name Aeon) 20 years ago still working to this day.
Khind Group is a distributor for home appliances such as Honeywell, KitchenAid, Naturei, Micro Air and High-Speed Low Volume (HSLV) Industrial Fan.
In addition, Khind is also a one-stop center solution for electrical and environmental solutions in schools, residences, hotels, factories, shopping malls and so on.
Contact Khind
For more information, please contact the information below: –
Khind Holdings Berhad
No. 2, Jalan Astaka U8/82, Seksyen U8, Bukit Jelutong,
40150 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
Tel : 603-7839 2000
Fax : 603-7847 5301
Email :
No. 2, Jalan Astaka U8/82, Seksyen U8, Bukit Jelutong,
40150 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
Tel : 603-7839 2000
Fax : 603-7845 6300 / 603-7847 5300
Email :
Factory No. 2, Jalan Perusahaan 2, Off Jalan Bernam,
45400 Sekinchan, Selangor Darul Ehsan., Malaysia.
Tel : 603-3241 1991
Fax : 603-3241 1500
Email :
No. 2, Jalan Astaka U8/82,
Seksyen U8, Bukit Jelutong,
40150 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
Tel : 603-7839 2000
Fax : 603-7845 6300 / 603-7847 5300
Email :
No. 2, Jalan Astaka U8/82, Bukit Jelutong,
40150 Shah Alam, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.
Tel : 603-7839 2150
Email :
Latest Products 2021 Khind
Khind is not new in consumer products such as electrical and electrical appliances. For the year 2021, there are many new products introduced and received encouraging response from customers.
Among the latest products for 2021 from Khind are as follows: –
- Khind Multi Cooker MC388. Please read the review here
- Khind Robotic Vacuum VC9X6A. Please read the review here
- Khind Bread Maker BM750. Please read the review here
- Khind 52L Electric Oven OT5205. Please read the review here
- Khind Vacuum Cleaner VC9692. Please read the review here
We hope that with some useful information, we can make the public aware that Malaysian branded goods are also of comparable quality to foreign branded goods. Give support to the Malaysian brand. “Local Brand, Our Brand, Best Quality from Malaysians”.
Bahasa Melayu Version
About The Company
Entri kali ini kami akan memperkenalkan produk dan peralatan jenama Malaysia iaitu Khind, sebuah jenama Malaysia yang sangat terkenal dalam peralatan rumah seperti oven, penyedut hampagas, dapur masak, insert killer, air fryer, kipas berdiri, multi-cooker dan lain-lain.
Kita bangga menjadi rakyat Malaysia dan bangga menggunakan produk jenama Malaysia. Jom kita menyelusuri sejarah dan latarbelakang syarikat dan tokoh yang cekal dalam membangunkan jenama Khind yang terkenal di Malaysia dan negara-negara jiran.
Sejarah Dan Latarbelakang Khind
Sejarah bermula pada tahun 1961 apabila pengasas seorang berbangsa cina yang bernama Encik Cheng King Fa yang membuka kedai membaiki peralatan elektrik di Sekinchan Selangor. Perniagaan secara kecil-kecilan di Sekinchan memudahkan penduduk setempat untuk menghantar peralatan elektrik mereka yang rosak. Penduduk Sekinchan tidak perlu membawa peralatan elektrik mereka ke bandar kerana jarak perjalanan yang jauh dan memerlukan kereta atau pengangkutan awam untuk ke bandar.
Perkhidmatan terbaik, berkemahiran tinggi dan sifat rendah diri yang ada pada diri Encik Cheng King Fa kepada pelanggan telah memberikan ganjaran yang besar kepada perniagaan beliau. Perniagaannya berkembang pesat. Dari sebuah kedai membaiki alat elektrik yang kecil telah menjadi besar.
Akhirnya Encik Cheng King Fa bersama pasukan kerjanya telah menubuhkan Kee Hin Industries. Berkat dari pengalaman dan penat jerit beliau dan pasukan telah membuka jalan (paved the way) untuk mewujudkan Khind Holdings Berhad.
Tahukah Anda?
Malaysia Digit Info: Tahukah anda, Khind adalah kilang pembuatan terbesar (largest manufacturing plant) di Sekinchan Selangor Darul Ehsan?
Tahukah Anda?
Malaysia Digit Info: Tahukah anda, Khind Group adalah sebuah syarikat multinasional peralatan elektrik dan elektronik berkelas dunia dan sudah mengedarkan produk mereka ke lebih 58 buah negara dan tersenarai dalam Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur (BSKL)?
Perniagaan Lain Khind
Selain dari menjadi pioneer di Malaysia dalam peralatan elektrik dan elektronik rumah, Khind juga membuat perniagaan penyelesaian tenaga industry (industrial energy solution) melalui anak syarikatnya yang terletak di Hong Kong, Singapura dan Timur Tengah.
Jenama Popular Lain
Selain dari jenama Khind, untuk terus mendominasi produk elektrik dan elektrikal keluaran tempatan, Khind Holding Berhad juga memasarkan jenama lain seperti Mistral, Relite, Swisher, Mainline, Ariston dan Honeywell. Jenama-jenama ini boleh didapati di supermarket dan hypermarket di seluruh negara dan negara-negara lain.
Jenama tempatan juga setanding dengan jenama antarabangsa dari segi kualiti dan ketahanan. Seingat kami, kipas kotak empat segi jenama Mistral yang dibeli di Jaya Jusco (nama sekarang Aeon) 20 tahun lalu masih bertahan sehingga kini.
Khind Group adalah pengedar bagi peralatan rumah seperti Honeywell, KitchenAid, Naturei, Micro Air dan High Speed Low Volume (HSLV) Industrial Fan.
Selain itu, Khind juga adalah penyelesaian pusat sehenti bagi elektrikal dan solusi persekitaran di sekolah, kediaman, hotel-hotel, kilang-kilang, pusat membeli belah dan sebagainya.
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